Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Welcome to the Cloth Diaper Challenge

The Cloth Diaper Challenge Day#1

By the looks of the title, it may sound like I am a mom wanting to switch to cloth diapers and share my experience? Well that's not it. I already switched, over 16 months ago when my second child was born.

The idea behind this blog is to review each cloth diaper out there. I want to try each cloth diaper, tell you about the company, their beliefs, where they got their idea from, the products they offer, and then what I like/dislike about their particular diaper, of course with pictures to show off how cute the diaper is! I know each cloth diaper fits differently on each type of baby, so I am not going to say "Don't use this diaper!!" I am just going to share the facts and features and add a bit of my own opinion to it. Please keep that in mind, what works for one family won't necessarily work for another.

Why am I doing this? Because I am addicted to cloth diapers. Every time I hear about a different diaper I get excited and have to have it. I try it, and then if it works great, if it doesn't I move on. I have quite a stash right now, so I am going to start out with the diapers I already own. Then I am going to purchase other brands to try. Of course if anyone would like to donate a diaper to the cause, all the diapers I acquire that don't fit my son perfectly and work for us will be donated to those who need cloth diapers. I already have enough diapers to go 4 weeks between washing (not that I do! yuck!) so I want to try them, and move them on to a new deserving home.

There is a lot of diapers out there. My son is already 16 months old, I should have started the day he was born. The good news? I have a new little one due in 6 months! I have plenty of time to make my way through the enormous list of cloth diapers.

I will try to post everyday, or every other day. Please feel free to leave me comments, or if you are interested in donating a diaper or suggesting a brand you want to hear about please email me at clothdiaperchallenge@gmail.com

I look forward to getting started and I know my son's adorable little bum can't wait either! Bring on the diapers!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for doing this… a very ambitious project but I will be watching for the results!!!
